Research featured at leading academic conferences

Research on journalism startups in Canada, gender and explanatory journalism, and the role of universities in journalism are among the topics being presented by team scholars at leading Canadian and international conferences in May.

The Global Journalism Innovation Lab researchers are sharing their findings at the Canadian Communication Association annual conference taking place online between May 17-20. They are also hosting a panel discussion on the increasingly blurred lines between scholarly research and journalistic reporting.

A week later, researchers are presenting at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, taking place in Paris, France, between May 26-30. They are also hosting a panel on the contribution of startups to the infrastructures of journalism.

Here is the list of events:

Canadian Communication Association

  • Bartleman, M., Macdonald, I., & Dubois, E. (2022). Conceptualizing academic explanatory journalism.
  • Dwyer, L., Woods, J., & Zeller, F. (2022). Shifting sentiment: Author gender in explanatory journalism articles on AI, technology and robotics during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Hermida, A. & Young, M.L. (2022). Google’s effect on global journalism innovation.
  • Smith, H., Fischer, L., Fortin, K., & Zeller, F. (2022). Regional news frames of health.
  • Academic explanatory journalism: Blurring the lines between scholarly research and journalistic reportage (2022). Chair: Elizabeth Dubois (University of Ottawa).  Panelists: Gene Allen (Ryerson University); Charles Davis (Ryerson University); Michelle Riedlinger (Queensland University of Technology) and Alice Fleerackers (Simon Fraser University): Michelle Bartleman, Isabel Macdonald, and Elizabeth Dubois (University of Ottawa).

International Communication Association

  • Hermida, A & Young, M.L. (2022). The price of platform dollars: Analyzing Google’s effect on global journalism innovation and infrastructures.
  • Simon, F. & Hermida, A. (2022). An AI success story? Studying Sophi, The Globe and Mail’s artificial intelligence system.
  • Young, M.L. & Hermida, A. (2022). The contribution of startups to the infrastructures of journalism in Canada, 2000-2021.
  • Rebuilding the media: Journalism startups as infrastructure (2022). Chair: Alfred Hermida (UBC). Panelists: Andrea Carson (La Trobe University) & James Meese (RMIT University); Sherwin Chua (University of Gothenburg) & Howard Lee (Murdoch University); Maria Isabel Magaña (Universidad de La Sabana); Mary Lynn Young & Alfred Hermida (UBC).

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