Uptake, audiences and explanatory journalism

This team is conducting research on the theme of uptake and explanatory journalism. This research is identifying the characteristics of explanatory journalism and advance knowledge of how uptake can be assessed. They are developing a profile of journalism articles with exceptional uptake and building metrics to assess uptake on a variety of platforms.

The researchers is identifying the features of explanatory journalism that attract specific publics, in order to enhance the ability to assess information and participate in knowledge construction.

More: Explanatory Journalism Project

Research Team

Frauke Zeller PhD

Associate Professor

School of Professional Communication, Toronto Metropolitan University.

Nicole Blanchett

Associate Professor

School of Professional Communication, Toronto Metropolitan University.

Sibo Chen PhD

Assistant Professor

School of Professional Communication, Toronto Metropolitan University.

Charles Davis PhD


E.S. Rogers Sr. Research Chair in Media Management and Entrepreneurship, RTA School of Media, Toronto Metropolitan University.

Robert Clapperton PhD

Assistant Professor

School of Professional Communications at Toronto Metropolitan University.

Jessica Mudry PhD

Associate Professor

School of Professional Communication, Toronto Metropolitan University.

Theme News

Behind the Bylines: Featuring Our Research Assistants

Behind the Bylines: Featuring Our Research Assistants

By: Zachary Andrade Masahda Lochan For all the barriers that are instated in modern journalistic settings, the first salve Masahda …
Behind the Bylines: Featuring Our PhD Researchers

Behind the Bylines: Featuring Our PhD Researchers

By: Zachary Andrade Stuart Duncan Stuart Duncan, a PhD student and Lab contributor, is attuned to the miniature. Within the …
Behind the Bylines: Featuring Our Research Leads

Behind the Bylines: Featuring Our Research Leads

By: Zachary Andrade Mary Lynn Young Mary-Lynn Young, PhD, is a lead researcher and professor at the University of British …

Theme publications

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