Events on disinformation and elections co-organized by Elizabeth Dubois

Scholars, journalists and policy makers gathered in Ottawa to discuss disinformation and the impact of digital media on the 2019 federal election in events co-organized by Elizabeth Dubois, GJIL researcher and Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa.

Working with Taylor Owen of McGill University, Dubois organized a symposium and panel discussion in two-day event held at the University of Ottawa on February 20 and 21, 2020.

This events were part of the SSHRC-funded project, the Digital Research Ecosystem Challenge, which examined the impacts of digital media on Canadian elections.

As a part of this challenge, 18 winning projects collaborated to analyze a large-scale dataset collected from social media, online news, web, and survey data. In creating this collaboration, the goal was to map the digital ecosystem in order to support increased civic and digital literacy.

These research projects focused on five main themes: Online political advertisements, online harassment and hate speech, public opinion and political participation, the flow of disinformation and misinformation, and issue framing and agenda-setting.

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