Dominant Ideologies in Explanatory Journalism Concerning Artificial Intelligence and Robotics


Background: This case study investigates how dominant narratives and hegemonic ideals shape technological discourses in explanatory journalism. It examines dominant media frames in articles on technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics in a multinational outlet for explanatory journalism.

Analysis: Before and during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, media frames in articles on the aforementioned topics were analyzed to determine their prevalence and impact.

Conclusions and implications: Framing robotic and AI-powered technologies shapes the perception of these technologies and of the institutional bodies surrounding them. This research explores connections and considers the initial impact of COVID-19 on the use of media frames and hegemonic narratives.

Citation: Dwyer, Lauren, Crawford, Charlotte and Zeller, Frauke.(2023). Media Framing of Dominant Ideologies in Explanatory Journalism Concerning Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Canadian Journal of Communication 48, no. 4: 715-742.

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